Sunday, November 18, 2012

Review: Eyeshadow Brush By: ELF

Hey everyone!!
It's Kaylee here. I am going to start doing reviews on my blog as well as regular updates.

ELF Eyeshadow Brush

Brand name:

Where I bought mine:
Dollar Tree

I will insert a picture from Google since, I don't have a camera.

My Review:
This summer I bought a different eyeshadow brush that supposedly was department store quality so I decided to buy two of them because, I thought that it would be a really good brush, but it wasn't. Anyway, I have only used this brush a few times but, I love it so much. It is much better than the other one. The brush part of the one that I bought this summer was really loose, I don't really know how to describe it. This brush is just so much better than the other one. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this brush!!
Here is the eyeshadow brush.

The brush part of this ELF eyeshadow brush.

<3 Kaylee

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