Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Are we pregnant with Baby #4????

So I have felt blah all day and I was looking at the calender and I realized that my "lady friend" is 2 days late, so I decided to take a test and it was positive. At this point, I am not sure if I can wait till tomorrow to get an appointment but, I think that I will just be patient and get an appointment in the morning. Jenelle, Have you and your husband been stealing all of the "protection"?

Comments from Facebook so far:

  • Jenelle (My sister)  Haha!! Congratulations!!! What "protection" are you talking about??? :)
    14 minutes ago
  • Kaylee (Me) Thanks Jenelle!! The "protection I am talking about is condoms... If you and your husband aren't stealing them then we have a condom thief on our hands......... ;) ;) :)
    about a minute ago      

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