Monday, November 26, 2012

Husband Tag Featuring My husband Josh

Hey!! It's Josh here. I am Kaylee's husband. I am going to finally do the husband tag. I hope you all enjoy it!

1. Where did we meet?
During a class in college.
2. What was our first date?

Homemade dinner cooked by Kaylee and a movie with popcorn.
3. Where was our first kiss and how was it?

On our first date at home. I thought it was pretty hot and sexy.
4. Did you know that i was the one?

Hell yes!! I knew it when we met.
5. First impression?

I thought she looked hot.
6. When did you meet the family?

I met the family 2 weeks after we had our first date.
7. Do we have a tradition?

8. What was our first road trip?

2 weeks after we had our first date. I met her family!! :)
9. Who said I love you first and where were we?

Kaylee did! When we were visiting her family.
10. What do we argue about the most?

More kids.....
11. Who wears the pants in the relationship?

12. If I'm sitting in front of the TV what am I watching?

My favorite shows, which is a lot to name.
13. What dressing do I get on my salad?

Ranch,Caesar,& Greek
14. What is the one food I don't like?

15. We go out to eat what do I get to drink?

Unsweet tea or water.
16. What size shoe do I wear?

17. If I was collecting anything what would it be?

I don't know.
18. What is my favorite type of sandwich?

Chicken Sandwich
19. What would I eat everyday if I could?

Ice Cream
20. What is my favorite cereal?

Banana Nut Cheerios or Cornflakes
21. What is my favorite music?

I like Country music.
22. What is my favorite sports team?

Oklahoma --Football
23. What is my eye color?

Dark brown. Just like Kaylee's.
24. Who is my best friend?

25. What is something that you do that I wish you didn't?

Argue.......about more kids
26. What is my heritage and where am I from?

I am from Tennessee. Born and raised!! :)
27. You bake me a cake for my birthday what kind do you make?

Chocolate, Red Velvet, or Vanilla
28. Did I play any sports?

29. What could I spend hours doing?

Playing with the kids!!
30. What is one unique talent that I have?

I will have to think about this one.

I hope you enjoyed! I am hoping that Kaylee will let me do more blogs!!


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