Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hey everyone!!

Video Deletion
I know I deleted my videos, I am well aware!! I did it for a certain reason that shouldn't be said on here.

I am NOT pregnant!! If I was, I would tell ya'll!!

TTC Plans
We are going to definitely be having at least one more child. Not sure how many,yet. We will probably NOT be getting pregnant anytime soon, as I am still dealing with my miscarriage and work has been super crazy.

Well, work has been really busy and a lot of babies have been born, lately. I have been thinking about quiting  
my job, because I really want to be a stay at home mom,some days, I still haven't found where my head is at, yet. I am thinking of helping Josh train people at the gym,but, I am not quite sure, yet.

He is doing fine,and having an awesome time training people at the gym.

He is doing well in school!! He is a very awesome kid!

He is a very funny and mischievous 3 year old. He is wild at time but I love him so much!

She is growing up by the day!She is getting really cute and funny!

She is currently pregnant again!! She is really excited and she says "I wasn't expecting baby #2 this soon but, I will certainly accept and welcome this child into my house/family."

He is working with Josh at the gym training people! So far, he is loving that job!

Baby Jackston
He is a wonderful joy to wake up to every morning!! We all love him to death!!


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