Sunday, October 14, 2012

My hectic Saturday! 10/13/12

My Saturday started off pretty early, I woke up at 6:00 A.M. to start packing for our day trip up to Tennessee while everyone was still asleep. Of course I decided to pack for the night because the past few times we have gone up there we have stayed there 7:30 P.M. or later. So, I packed the kids jammies for the night and I didn't really know what the weather was going to be like so I packed short sleeve shirts and shorts if the weather was warm or if the kids didn't want to wear there long sleeve and long pants pajamas. I also had to pack snacks for the day,clothes for the day, clothes for the next day,Diapers for Gracie,Pull-Ups and underwear for James, Underwear for Jackson, sippy cups and bottles, pumped breast-milk, and bottle of Apple juice. There are a lot more things that I could name but a very long list. I finish packing everything by 7:00 A.M.. My husband finally woke up at 7 A.M.. The only people that were still asleep were my kids so I had to wake them up.  Jenelle, Shane, and baby Jackston were already awake when I woke up. 

First, my husband showered while I was getting the kids dressed, they already had their bath the night before. Then, I jumped in the shower and of course I decided that I was going to blow-dry my hair. I loaded everyone's stuff into my Expedition and I had made bags of cereal for the kids to eat on the way up to Tennessee plus that was their breakfast. So, as I am loading up Gracie I smell something and Gracie sits in the middle of her brothers and I am leaning over James to buckle her in, yes she wanted to nurse and so I told my hubby to buckle the other 2 in and help Jenelle with putting her son in the car seat  So I ask Jenelle if her son had pooped and she was like yes and I was like please change him before we get on the road, so she changed him and I decided to sit in the second row of seats with Jenelle and her son Jackston and let Josh and Shane sit up front.We left at 9:30 A.M., I don't remember the exact time. 

When we get up to Tennessee it is like 11:11 A.M.. We decide to pick up lunch at Firehouse Subs! I HIGHLY suggest that you all try that place, I know that we all loved it, I actually think that it was everyone's first time trying it, I had the Tuna Salad and I got Frito's and I also got a Chocolate Chip cookie. At this point it has been over a week and I absolutely cannot remember what the kids got.

I can't remember everything we did by now, but anyway sorry!! 

<3 Kaylee

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